
GAUDIS’ portfolio comprises both very early and later stage start ups, for instance:

GAUDIS Education

People are the core of our financial services sector and bespoke Corporate Finance training enables its clients to grow whilst compliant in an ever increasing complicated sector.


The COVID-19 crisis poses unprecedented socioeconomic challenges and requires new and rapid responses to flatten-the-curve whilst restarting our economies again. COVPASS (www.covpass.com) supports the transition.

Protecting from diseases, receiving the right vaccinations and keeping those current is increasingly complex in an ever connected world. IMMUPASS (www.immupass.com) provides real time checks and advice on travel and become the electronic version of the ‘vaccination booklet’ or ‘yellow fever passport’.

Regenerative Medicine

Traditional medicine (blockbuster drugs) have mostly run their course and new and innovative approaches are required to solve today’s health challenges. GAUDIS has invested in a revolutionary tissue engineering company that is progressing through clinical trials.